About the company
We are a translation agency who runs by an authorized translator by Swedish Land and founds, Mohsen Faalnia. He is a member of The Federation of Authorized Translators in Sweden - FAT.
Our translations are from Swedish and English to Persin (Farsi) and vice versa.
Our wordprocessing programs are mainly Nisus and MS-Word. We can do layout and DTP in programs such as QuarkExpress, Adobe PageMaker, Aobe Indesign and CorelDraw. Texts can also be formated as PDF files.
Translation areas
Computer Literacy
Social Sciences and Technology
Judgments, orders and inquiries
Grade and certificate

Contact us
Telephone: 08-559 23 12
Mobile: 070 - 518 47 63
E-mail: mohsen.faalnia@telia.com
Lisiting address: Pråmvägen 2 B, 178 30 Ekerö